Document Capture

Text Extraction

While most traditional OCRs simply extract raw data from documents, Papirus AI only extracts relevant data and writes it automatically structured into the relevant fields..

Table / Line Item Extraction

One of the most difficult issues in the field of document capture is table/line item etraction. You can also capture your data in tables or lines thanks to advanced table/line item extraction algorithms developed by Papirus AI.

Signature Capture

The use of signatures on documents is quite common. The determination of whether the signature is on the document is carried out manually in many control processes. Signatures on the page can be detected with Computer Vision-based algorithms developed by Papirus AI.

Checkbox Extraction

It is very common to use checkboxes in forms in order to obtain structured data and facilitate use. The occupancy control of these checkboxes is done manually in many processes. With Papirus AI, you can automatically check the full/empty checkboxes.

Field Full/Empty Check

Due to regulatory or procedural requirements, there is a need for full/empty control of the fields filled with the user's letter. Papirus AI does this check automatically and transmits the result.

Barcode & QR Reading

Another method used in document classification is barcodes and QR codes. With Papirus AI, you can automatically read your barcodes and QR codes and continue your process.

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